Awareness and Life Talk with Jaron Mcdonald

August 7, 2022 | Inspirational

Aileen Lora: Jaron Mcdonald from New Jersey currently living in Jacksonville, NC is an engineer for the Army National Guard and a property Investor Manager for a real estate business. Jaron is an inspirational intuitive thinker and would like to share deep conversations on life lessons, particularly about self-awareness and the ego. Here I present Jaron Mcdonald's perspectives;

Jaron Mcdonald: Thank you, I like to start with a few life concepts, in becoming the light, you start to reveal the darkness, and it’ll be easier to see. Be aware of attracting people, that may tend to utilize your light, instead of working on their own light. But you'll be able to see it cuz you are the light. Don't worry about others to the extreme, just work on your light, so you’ll be able to reveal other people’s truths. Don't try to control people, let people be. They will have the freedom to make their own choices regardless of what others say. They may consider it but will do whatever they want to do in the end. Take this example; it’s like don't turn a Lion into a pet a lion is a lion, don’t be surprised if they bite, it is in their nature. Now, what am I doing in the cage with the lion? The cage concept is like the role of an empathic person. One can't be healing everyone more than, it's worth your healing. It may be necessary to detach and protect yourself, if not those individuals can be triggers and spiral you back to negativity. Take space and focus on yourself, by reflecting, or meditating, making time to understand your feelings. 

Aileen: In knowing boundaries in what we can do, helps keep things balanced. Re-focusing is key, which can be accomplished by recharging energy thru self-care. Focusing on goals gives purpose, but at the same time recognize that life is constantly changing, not attach to outcomes all the time, and go more with the flow. 

Jaron: In this world, once you realize who you are and by letting go of ego, I’m now more open. Letting go does not make me indecisive that I don't know who I am – but it’s that my concept of ego, of reality, is purposefully shifting, it can feel a lot. When I look upon myself I am not my ego, it's just an identity that I've built to navigate this world, survive, and make a living. I am connected to something bigger. You need some level of reality to keep you grounded.

Where I am now in my life as an empath, I can read people very well, and connect and feel their situations. Unlike a river, a reservoir only gives when it's fulfilled, I do not give energy out freely. If you continue to provide and do not have enough for yourself you’ll run dry. A toxic level of empathy exists one of the ways it can happen is by enabling somebody, then you run out of energy to give. I have strong boundaries I give to people, to protect myself. Everything is designed for protection. Past trauma is designed to protect you, if you let it go unchecked then you will condition yourself. Ask yourself, “Why am I afraid of this why does this trigger me”? Why do I accept crumbs from people? A tree can be symbolic in helping us to understand why we react to certain situations and where it comes from. Leaves grow from the branches, then from the roots, and understanding traumas help to understand the roots, where it originates, and pull them out. You have the power to break patterns.

Aileen: Exactly, in a lot of ways a tree can be very symbolic in how we grow and nourish our lives. Getting to the root of things can help break unhealthy patterns and create a better life. Mine would be not getting enough hours of sleep, then it's getting to the root of that. 

Jaron: In addition to uncovering your truths and self-healing, and boundaries, sometimes the situations or challenges you go thru may not be for you, but an opportunity to help somebody else. Like going thru a long struggle, you can take those experiences and show others how to choose a shorter path. You are living for yourself and to inspire others, by shining your light. The bridges you burn will light your way, so if you mess up it’s not a mess up... it’s just a different route. Have intention behind what you want to attract.

Aileen: Great points! We can be transformed from personal and thru other people's experiences. Thank you, Jaron forsharing your views, we can all pick something from this discussion that resonates. I appreciate your time and sharing and bringing a new perspective that shines light.

Visit Jaron’s page on Instagram at @jarontopshotta

- Lora the Art Explorer 


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