Veteran Eye

(A. Lora Designs)Hip Hop artist and music producer, Veteran Eye, originally from Greensboro, has performed in various cities throughout the country and in Europe. Veteran Eye's wisdom is expressed creatively in his music, and his words flow effortlessly, which you can reflect on that is memorable. To learn more about his talent, experiences, and approach to music, please welcome guest artist, Veteran Eye.

Veteran Eye (VE)
Thank you. To start off words are powerful and yes memorable, words can be our wand. From a spiritual perspective, when you look at the seven chakras, the voice chakra is above the heart, at a higher level this clearly shows that words are powerful. At the same time, the heart does help us to balance things. What the heart feels, the crown knows. I don't have to just feel it, I know it. In my music, the beats and vocals combined, help to remember things easier. Something repetitive that people can repeat and sing

A:  Definitly, words are powerful. Veteran Eye, you're working on a few albums currently what is one of your methods for adding variety to your music?

VE:  From different parts of the world, I work with many global producers, and each has different frequencies, so all the albums sound different. That is how I add variety. Then, I work on creating the artwork for the album which is based on the frequency of the sound, and what is gonna get your attention first, and I let it flow from there. I want people to be like, Oh that feeds my eye, let me see if it feeds my ears, and so forth. It is about creating an experience musically and artistically.  

A: What is the goal or the type of influence or impact, you want your music to express? 

VE:  I am particular in my words when I'm writing. I like to educate, entertain and empower. It's about spreading peace, love, unity, and awareness.
To express this further, I want people to be entertained by my music as they listen to it on the way to the club, or so forth. My music is to empower, the more mature I am, the more responsible I get with what I am saying. When I started my music career, songs were more low vibrational and, more ego-driven.

My music is more empowering now and has life to it, at a higher vibration. I also want to educate but not sound preachy either. I like to challenge my listeners too and have people learn but not lose the entertainment value. I arrive with a clear objective and know how to get things done. By challenging the listener, I sometimes want people to google the words I said, I applied from a thesaurus same meaning but it rolls off the tongue differently more poetically, and better fit. I'm teaching people a new vocabulary that educates and challenge them.

A: What is the next step in your music path? 

VE:  As a writer, I am moving into writing screenplays and possibility books. Writing books will be my next challenge, it's a different process but it's still all creative writing, with different levels of creativity. My creative expression is thru writing that flows naturally. Words are magic and I want you to see what I see and be able to paint pictures with my words. Words are my paintbrush. Sometimes my fashion is, or my hair or however I express it. Ultimately my strength goes back to writing.

A: Perfect thank you, it's amazing to learn about your creative process. And to my readers please check out the following video clips to learn about Veteran Eye's music beats.

I am particular in my words when I’m writing. I like to educate, entertain, and empower. It’s about spreading peace, love, unity, and awareness.
— Veteran Eye

Follow Verteran Eye on Instagram: flydragondynasty


The Remedy Cafe


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